许可证或批文代码 |
许可证或批文名称 |
英文说明 |
链接机构 |
MP1 |
(一)大陆物品有条件准许输入,应符合「大陆物品有条件准许输入项目,输入管理法规汇总表」之规定。(二)「大陆物品有条件准许输入项目,输入管理法规汇总表」内列有特别规定「MXX」代号者,应向国际贸易局办理输入许可证;未列有特别规定「MXX」代号者,依一般签证规定办理。 |
(1) Importation of Mainland China products in this category is conditionally permitted. The importation should conform to the regulations of "Consolidated List of Conditional Import Items of Mainland China Origin and Regulations Governing Import of Mainla |
MW0 |
大陆物品不准输入。 |
Importation of Mainland China products is prohibited. |
W01 |
输入酒品应依照财政部及卫生福利部会衔发布「进口酒类查验管理办法」规定,向财政部申请办理输入查验。 |
Importation of alcohol shall be made in accordance with "The Administrative Regulations Governing the Inspection of Imported Alcohol" jointly promulgated by the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Health and Welfare. The importer shall apply for inspe |
H01 |
卫生福利部公告应施输入查验中药材,应凭卫生福利部食品药物管理署核发之输入许可证通知进口。 |
Items subject to legal inspection of imported Chinese herbs announced by the Ministry of Health and Welfare. The importer shall apply for inspection to the Food and Drug Administration, Ministry of Health and Welfare. |
H02 |
本项下部分中药材系卫生福利部公告应施输入查验中药材,应凭卫生福利部食品药物管理署核发之输入许可证通知进口。 |
Some of the commodities under this item subject to legal inspection of imported Chinese herbs announced by the Ministry of Health and Welfare. The importer shall apply for inspection to the Food and Drug Administration, Ministry of Health and Welfare. |
F01 |
输入商品应依照「食品及相关产品输入查验办法」规定,向卫生福利部食品药物管理署申请办理输入查验。【注:相关规定应洽卫生福利部食品药物管理署】。 |
Importation of foods shall follow the"Regulations for Inspection of imported Foods and Related Products".The importer shall apply for inspection to the Food and Drug Administration,Ministry of Health and Welfare(FDA).(Note:Please contact FDA for relevant |
F02 |
本项下商品如属食品,食品器具,食品容器或包装,食品用洗洁剂等食品相关用途或含有前述物品者,应依照「食品及相关产品输入查验办法」规定,向卫生福利部食品药物管理署申请办理输入查验。【注:相关规定应洽卫生福利部食品药物管理署】。 |
Importation of products used for food-relevant purposes including foods, food utensils, food containers or packaging, food cleansers, or the products containing preceding articles shall follow the " Regulations for Inspection of imported Food and Food-rel |
F03 |
输入医疗器材应依照「输入药物边境抽查检验办法」规定,向卫生福利部食品药物管理署申请办理输入查验。 |
Importation of medical devices shall follow the"Regulations governing the border inspection of imported Pharmaceuticals". The importer shall apply for inspection to the Food and Drug Administration, Ministry of Health and Welfare (FDA). |
B01 |
进口时,应依行政院农业委员会动植物防疫检疫局编订之「应施检疫动植物品目表」及有关检疫规定办理。【注:相关规定请洽行政院农业委员会动植物防疫检疫局或至该局网站http://www.baphiq.gov.tw 查询】。 |
Importation shall be subject to the prescription set forth in the Table of Commodities Subject to Legal Animal & Plant Quarantine compiled by the Bureau of Animal and Plant Health Inspection and Quarantine Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan. (Note: Pl |
C01 |
经济部标准检验局公告应施进口检验商品 |
Items subject to legal import inspection announced by the Bureau of Standards, Metrology and Inspection, Ministry of Economic Affairs. |
C02 |
本项下部分商品属于经济部标准检验局公告应施进口检验商品。 |
Some of the commodities under this item subject to legal import inspection announced by the Bureau of Standards, Metrology and Inspection, ministry of economic affairs. |
838 |
(一)进口属食品及其相关产品,应依F01办理。(二)进口属人用药品,应依503规定办理。(三)进口属工业用一氧化二氮,应依251规定办理。(四)依出进口厂商登记办法登记之进口人,且交易对象为领有工厂登记证明文件者,输入一氧化二氮非属应向上述主管机关申请许可文件者,应向经济部国际贸易局申请输入许可文件。(五)进口本项货品未取得上开主管机关输入许可文件者,不准进口。 |
(1)Importation of foods and food-relevant products is governed by the regulation of "F01". (2) Importation of medicines for human use is governed by the regulation of "503". (3) Importing industrial nitrous oxide not for food and medicines use is governed |