
  • 货品分类号列 中文货名 英文货名 第一期税率 第二期税率 第三期税率 统计数量单位 统计重量单位 稽征规定 输入规定 输出规定
    96200012008 第9015節所屬貨品用單腳架、雙腳架、三腳架及其類似品 Monopods, bipods, tripods and similar articles of articles of heading 90.15 1.7% 0% (PA,GT,NI,SV,HN,NZ,SG) 5% KGM
    96190090907 衛生棉(墊)、尿墊及其裏襯及類似之物品,其他材料制者 Sanitary towels (pads) , napkins and napkin liners for babies and similar articles, of other materials 5% 0% (LDCs,PA,GT,NI,SV,HN,NZ,SG) 7.5% KGM
    96190030900 衛生棉(墊)、尿墊及其裏襯及類似之物品,其他紡織材料制者 Sanitary towels (pads) , napkins and napkin liners and similar articles, of other textile materials 11% 0% (PA,GT,NI,SV,HN,NZ,SG) 12.5% KGM
    96190090104 衛生棉塞,其他材料制者 Tampons of other materials 5% 0% (LDCs,PA,GT,NI,SV,HN,NZ,SG) 7.5% KGM 504
    96190030107 衛生棉塞,其他紡織材料制者 Tampons of other textile materials 11% 0% (PA,GT,NI,SV,HN,NZ,SG) 12.5% KGM 504
    96190020109 衛生棉塞,紡織材料之填充料制者 Tampons of wadding of textile materials 10% 0% (PA,GT,NI,SV,HN,NZ,SG) 10% KGM 504
    96190020902 衛生棉(墊)、尿墊及其裏襯及類似之物品,紡織材料之填充料制者 Sanitary towels (pads) , napkins and napkin liners and similar articles, of wadding of textile materials 10% 0% (PA,GT,NI,SV,HN,NZ,SG) 10% KGM
    96190012902 衛生棉(墊)及類似之衛生用品,紙漿、紙、纖維素胎或纖維素紙制者 Sanitary towels (pads) and similar articles ,of paper pulp, paper,cellulose wadding or webs of cellulose fibres 0% 0% (PA,GT,NI,SV,HN,NZ,SG) 10% KGM
    96190011002 尿墊及其裏襯及類似之物品,紙漿、紙、纖維素胎或纖維素紙制者 Napkins and napkin liners and similar articles ,of paper pulp, paper,cellulose wadding or webs of cellulose fibres 0% 0% (PA,GT,NI,SV,HN,NZ,SG) 15% KGM
    96190012109 衛生棉塞,紙漿、紙、纖維素胎或纖維素紙制者 Tampons of paper pulp, paper,cellulose wadding or webs of cellulose fibres 0% 0% (PA,GT,NI,SV,HN,NZ,SG) 10% KGM 504
    96180000006 裁縫用假人及其他體型;商店櫥窗用活動、生動之陳列品 Tailors' dummies and other lay figures; automata and other animated displays used for shop window dressing 3.3% 0% (PA,GT,NI,SV,HN,NZ,SG) 5% KGM
    96170000007 具有外殼之保溫瓶及其他真空保溫器皿;上述物品之零件,不包括玻璃制瓶膽 Vacuum flasks and other vacuum vessels, complete with cases; parts thereof other than glass inners 5% 0% (PA,GT,NI,SV,HN,CN,NZ,SG) 7.5% KGM
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    y 出口许可证(边境小额贸易) Import license 检验局,贸易局
    稽征特别规定CR 稽征特别规定CR 稽征特别规定CR 稽征特别规定CR
    s 适用ITA税率的商品用途认定证明 Import license 检验局,贸易局
    t 关税配额证明 Import license 检验局,贸易局
    v 自动进口许可证(加工贸易) Import license 检验局,贸易局
    a 请审查预核签章 Import license 检验局,贸易局
    c 内销征税联系单 Import license 检验局,贸易局
    e 关税配额外优惠税率进口棉花配额 Import license 检验局,贸易局
    X 有毒化学品环境管理放行通知单 Import license 检验局,贸易局
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    Z 进口音像制品批准单或节目提取单 Import license 检验局,贸易局
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