
  • 货品分类号列 中文货名 英文货名 第一期税率 第二期税率 第三期税率 统计数量单位 统计重量单位 稽征规定 输入规定 输出规定
    96081000006 原子筆 Ball point pens 3.4% 0% (PA,GT,NI,SV,HN,CN,NZ,SG) 7.5% KGM C02
    96071910006 塑膠拉鍊 Slide fasteners, of plastics 3% 0% (PA,GT,NI,SV,HN,NZ,SG) 5% KGM
    96071990009 其他材料制拉鍊 Slide fasteners, of other materials 3% 0% (LDCs,PA,GT,NI,SV,HN,NZ,SG,SZ) 5% KGM
    96071100006 拉鍊,裝配卑金屬鍊齒者 Slide fasteners fitted with chain scoops of base metal 3.4% 0% (PA,GT,NI,SV,HN,NZ,SG,SZ) 7.5% KGM
    96062900007 其他材料制鈕釦 Buttons, of other materials 5% 0% (LDCs,PA,GT,NI,SV,HN,NZ,SG) 7.5% KGM
    96063000004 鈕釦模型及其他鈕釦零件;鈕釦坯 Button moulds and other parts of buttons; button blanks 5% 0% (PA,GT,NI,SV,HN,NZ,SG) 7.5% KGM
    96062100005 塑膠制鈕釦,未包紡織物者 Buttons, of plastics not covered with textile material 3.3% 0% (PA,GT,NI,SV,HN,NZ,SG) 7.5% KGM
    96062200004 卑金屬制鈕釦,未包紡織物者 Buttons, of base metal, not covered with textile material 5% 0% (PA,GT,NI,SV,HN,NZ,SG) 7.5% KGM
    96061000008 各種掀釦、飾釦及其零件 Press-fasteners, snap-fasteners and press-studs and parts therefor 5% 0% (PA,GT,NI,SV,HN,NZ,SG) 7.5% KGM
    96040090003 其他手用細眼篩及粗篩 Other hand sieves and hand riddles 5% 0% (PA,GT,NI,SV,HN,NZ,SG) 7.5% KGM
    96050000001 旅行自用之成套盥洗用品、針線包、鞋或衣物清潔用品 Travel sets for personal toilet, sewing or shoe or clothes cleaning 5% 0% (PA,GT,NI,SV,HN,NZ,SG) 7.5% KGM
    96040010000 手用細眼篩及粗篩,實驗室及工業用 Hand sieves and hand riddles, for laboratory and industrial use 5% 0% (PA,GT,NI,SV,HN,NZ,SG) 7.5% KGM
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