
  • 货品分类号列 中文货名 英文货名 第一期税率 第二期税率 第三期税率 统计数量单位 统计重量单位 稽征规定 输入规定 输出规定
    96039010002 供制帚或刷之結及束 Prepared knots and tufts for brooms or brush making 5% 0% (PA,GT,NI,SV,HN,NZ,SG) 10% KGM
    96039090005 其他帚、刷,手操作之機械式地板刷,無動力拖把及羽毛撣帚;T型擦幹器(滾筒擦幹器除外) Other brooms, burshes, hand-operated mechanical floor sweepers, not motorised, mops and feather dusters; squeegees (other than roller squeegees) 3.3% 0% (PA,GT,NI,SV,HN,CN,NZ,SG) 7.5% KGM
    96034000005 油漆、色膠、粉飾用或類似之刷(不包括第9603.30目之刷);油漆擦及滾筒 Paint, distemper, varnish or similar brushes (other than brushes of subheading 9603.30); paint pads and rollers 3.3% 0% (PA,GT,NI,SV,HN,NZ,SG) 7.5% KGM
    96035000002 其他構成機器、用具或車輛零件之刷 Other brushes constituting parts of machines, appliances or vehicles 5% 0% (PA,GT,NI,SV,HN,NZ,SG) 7.5% KGM
    96033090008 其他美術用刷、寫字用刷及化妝用類似之刷 Artists' brushes, writing brushes and similar brushes for the application of cosmetics 5% 0% (PA,GT,NI,SV,HN,NZ,SG) 7.5% KGM
    96033010005 毛筆 Chinese brush pens 3.4% 0% (PA,GT,NI,SV,HN,NZ,SG) 7.5% KGM
    96032100008 牙刷,包括假牙床用刷 Tooth brushes, including dental-plate brushes 5% 0% (PA,GT,NI,SV,HN,CN,NZ,SG) 7.5% KGM
    96032900000 修面刷、發刷、指甲刷、睫毛刷及其他人用盥洗用刷,包括此類構成用具零件之刷 Shaving brushes, hair brushes, nail brushes, eyelash brushes and other toilet brushes for use on the person, including such brushes constituting parts of appliances constituting parts of appliances 5% 0% (PA,GT,NI,SV,HN,NZ,SG) 7.5% KGM
    96031000001 帚及刷,僅以樹枝或其他植物材料紮成者,有無柄者均在內 Brooms and brushes, consisting of twigs or other vegetable materials bound together, with or without handles 5% 0% (LDCs,PA,GT,NI,SV,HN,NZ,SG) 7.5% KGM
    96020041005 藥用膠囊 Capsules for pharmaceutical products 6.8% 0% (PA,GT,NI,SV,HN,NZ,SG) 12.5% KGM 821 523
    96020049007 其他已加工之未硬化明膠(列入第3503節之明膠除外)及其製品 Other worked, unhardened gelatin (except, gelatin of heading 3503 and articles of unhardened gelatin 10% 0% (PA,GT,NI,SV,HN,NZ,SG) 12.5% KGM
    96020039009 其他蠟、硬脂、天然膠或天然樹脂或塑型膏制之雕塑品及其他未列名雕塑製品 Moulded or carved articles of other wax, of stearin, of natural gums or natural resins or of modelling pastes, and other moulded or carved articles, not elsewhere specified or included 5% 0% (PA,GT,NI,SV,HN,NZ,SG) 5% KGM
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