
  • 货品分类号列 中文货名 英文货名 第一期税率 第二期税率 第三期税率 统计数量单位 统计重量单位 稽征规定 输入规定 输出规定
    98257100205 第1902.11.10.00號所屬之「未烹飪之米粉條,未夾餡或未調製,含蛋者」 Uncooked rice pasta, not stuffed or otherwise prepared, containing eggs, of Item No. 1902.11.10.00 20% 20% KGM 451 F01 MW0
    98257100303 第1902.19.10.00號所屬之「未烹飪之米粉條,未夾餡或未調製,未含蛋者」 Uncooked rice pasta, not stuffed or otherwise prepared, not containing eggs, of Item No. 1902.19.10.00 20% 20% KGM 451 F01 MW0
    98257100107 第1806.90.71.00號所屬之「膨潤或焙制之穀類調製食品(例如:玉米片),含米量不低於30%,含可哥重量(以完全脫脂可哥為基礎計算)超過6%但未逾8%者」 Prepared foods obtained by swelling or roasting of cereals or cereal products (for example, corn flakes), containing not less than 30% of rice, containing more then 6% but not more than 8% by weight of cocoa calculated on a totally defatted basis, of Item 20% 20% KGM 451 F01 MW0
    98256000306 第2106.90.98.00號所屬之「其他食物調製品,含米量不低於30%者」 Other food preparation containing not less than 30% of rice, of Item No. 2106.90.98.00 20% 20% KGM T* 451 F01 MW0
    98256000217 第1904.90.10.10號所屬之「預煮或以其他方式調製之粒狀、片狀或其他加工(粉、碎粒及細粒除外)之未列名穀類(玉蜀黍(玉米)除外)產品,含米量不低於30%,含肉者」 Cereals (other than corn (maize)) in grain form or in the form of flakes or other worked grains (except flour, groats and meal), pre-cooked or otherwise prepared, not elsewhere specified or included, containing not less than 30% of rice, containing meat, 20% 20% KGM 451 B01 F01 MW0
    98256000226 第1904.90.10.20號所屬之「預煮或以其他方式調製之粒狀、片狀或其他加工(粉、碎粒及細粒除外)之未列名穀類(玉蜀黍(玉米)除外)產品,含米量不低於30%者,不含肉者」 Cereals (other than corn (maize)) in grain form or in the form of flakes or other worked grains (except flour, groats and meal, pre-cooked or otherwise prepared, not elsewhere specified or included, containing not less than 30% of rice, not containing mea 20% 20% KGM 451 F01 MW0
    98256000100 第1806.90.61.00號所屬之「預煮或以其他方式調製之粒狀、片狀或其他加工(粉及細粒除外)之未列名穀類〔玉蜀黍(玉米)除外〕產品,含米量不低於30%,含可哥重量(以完全脫脂可哥為基礎計算)超過6%但未逾8%者」 Cereals (other than maize (corn)) in grain form or in the form of flakes or other worked grains (except flour and meal), precooked or otherwise prepared, not elsewhere specified or included, containing not less than 30% of rice, containing more than 6% bu 20% 20% KGM 451 F01 MW0
    98254000203 第1104.29.20.00號所屬之「其他加工米」 Other worked rice, of Item No. 1104.29.20.00 20% 20% KGM 451 F01 MW0
    98255000004 第1108.19.10.00號所屬之「米澱粉」 Rice starch, of Item No. 1108.19.10.00 10% 10% TNE 451 F01 MW0
    98254000105 第1104.19.10.00號所屬之「滾壓或製成細片之米」 Rolled or flaked rice, of Item No. 1104.19.10.00 20% 20% KGM 451 F01 MW0
    98253100008 第1103.19.30.00號所屬之「粗碾去殼之米及其細粒」 Groats, meal of rice, of Item No. 1103.19.30.00 0% 0% TNE 451 F01 MW0 448
    98253200007 第1103.20.10.00號所屬之「米糰粒」 Pellets of rice, of Item No. 1103.20.10.00 25% 25% KGM 451 F01 MW0 448
  • 商品编码 商品名称 计量单位 出口税率 出口退税率 监管条件 检验检疫

  • 许可证或批文代码 许可证或批文名称 英文说明 链接机构
    A01 进口时应依饲料管理法第二十二条之二规定,向行政院农业委员会公告委任之动植物防疫检疫局及其所属各分局申报输入查验。 Importation of feeds shall be made in accordance with the Feeds Control Act Article 22-2. The importer shall apply for inspection to the Bureau of Animal and Plant Health Inspection and Quarantine(BAPHIQ) and its branch offices.
    A02 本项下商品如属饲料,进口时应依饲料管理法第二十二条之二规定,向行政院农业委员会公告委任之动植物防疫检疫局及其所属各分局申报输入查验。 Importation of feeds under this item shall be made in accordance with the Feeds Control Act Article 22-2. The importer shall apply for inspection to the Bureau of Animal and Plant Health Inspection and Quarantine(BAPHIQ) and its branch offices.
    835 (一)进口人用药品,应依506规定办理(二)进口动物用药品,应依406规定办理。(三)进口非属上述项目者,应注明「本货品非属人用药品,动物用药品」字样,免依上述规定办理。 (1) Importation of medicines for human use is governed by the regulation of"506".(2) Importation of veterinary medicines is governed by the regulation of "406".(3)Importation of commodity not belong the aforesaid items shall be exempted from the aforesaid
    836 (一)进口人用药品,人类检体:1.应依506规定办理。2.进口研究用,教学或检验用之「非感染性人类检体」,于进口报单填列专用代码DHM99999999990。(二)进口人类细胞株:1.应依501规定办理。2.供研究用之人类细胞株(含人类干细胞株,人类胚胎干细胞株),于进口报单填列专用代码DHK99999999999。(三)进口动物用药品,应依406规定办理。(四)进口非属上述项目者,应注明「本货品非属人用药品,人类检体,人类细胞株,动物用药品」字样,免依上述规定办理。 1.Imported human drug products, human specimens: (1) is governed by regulation "506". (2) The dedicated code (number) of import declaration (application for import) for imported non-infectious human specimens for research, teaching or testing is DHM999999
    837 (一)进口农药,应依405规定办理。(二)进口动物用药品,应依406规定办理。(三)进口环境卫生用药品,应依552规定办理。(四)进口毒性化学物质,应依553规定办理。(五)进口饲料或饲料添加物,应依404规定办理。(六)进口非属上述项目者,应检具经行政院环境保护署毒物及化学物质局核发之证明文件办理通关放行。 (1) Importation of pesticides is governed by the regulation of "405". (2) Importation of veterinary medicines is governed by the regulation of "406". (3) Importation of environment sanitation medicines is governed by the regulation of "552". (4) Importati
    831 (一)进口食品添加物或非食品添加物之食品原料,应依508规定办理。(二)进口人用药品,应依503规定办理。(三)进口一般工业用油脂,应依251规定办理。(四)进口生质柴油用油脂,应依255规定办理。(五)依出进口厂商登记办法登记之进口人,输入油脂非属应向上述主管机关申请许可文件者,应向经济部国际贸易局申请输入许可文件。(六)进口本项货品未取得上开主管机关输入许可文件者,不准进口。 (1) For importation of food additives or foods but not food additives , shall be governed by the regulation of "508". (2) Importation of medicines for human use is governed by the regulation of "503". (3) Importing industrial oils and fats not for food, f
    832 (一)进口一般工业用油脂,应依251规定办理。(二)进口生质柴油用油脂,应依255规定办理。(三)依出进口厂商登记办法登记之进口人,输入油脂非属应向上述主管机关申请许可文件者,应向经济部国际贸易局申请输入许可文件。(四)进口本项货品未取得上开主管机关输入许可文件者,不准进口。 (1) Importing industrial oils and fats not for food, fodder and waste use is governed by the regulation of "251". (2) Importing oil for bio-diesel use is governed by the regulation of "255". (3) Those who have registered as importers according to the Regu
    834 (一)进口人用药品,应依503规定办理(二)进口动物用药品,应依406规定办理。(三)进口属食品添加物,应依508规定办理。(四)进口非属上述项目者,应注明『本货品非属人用药品,动物用药品,食品添加物』字样,免依上述规定办理。」 (1) Importation of medicines for human use is governed by the regulation of"503".(2) Importation of veterinary medicines is governed by the regulation of "406", (3) Importation of food additives is governed by the regulation of "508".(4)Importation of com
    828 (一)进口食品添加物或非食品添加物之食品原料,应依508规定办理。(二)进口人用药品,应依503规定办理。(三)进口一般工业用油脂,应依251规定办理。(四)进口生质柴油用油脂,应依255规定办理。(五)进口饲料或饲料添加物,应依404规定办理。(六)依出进口厂商登记办法登记之进口人,输入油脂非属应向上述主管机关申请许可文件者,应向经济部国际贸易局申请输入许可文件。(七)进口本项货品未取得上开主管机关输入许可文件者,不准进口。 (1) For importation of food additives or foods but not food additives , shall be governed by the regulation of "508". (2) Importation of medicines for human use is governed by the regulation of "503". (3) Importing industrial oils and fats not for food, f
    829 (一)进口一般工业用油脂,应依251规定办理。(二)进口生质柴油用油脂,应依255规定办理。(三)进口饲料或饲料添加物,应依404规定办理。(四)依出进口厂商登记办法登记之进口人,输入油脂非属应向上述主管机关申请许可文件者,应向经济部国际贸易局申请输入许可文件。(五)进口本项货品未取得上开主管机关输入许可文件者,不准进口。 (1) Importing industrial oils and fats not for food, fodder and waste use is governed by the regulation of "251". (2) Importing oil for bio-diesel use is governed by the regulation of "255". (3) Importation of feedstuff or feedstuff additives is governed
    830 (一)进口食品及相关产品,应依F01办理。(二)进口人用药品,应依503规定办理。(三)进口一般工业用油脂,应依251规定办理。(四)进口生质柴油用油脂,应依255规定办理。(五)依出进口厂商登记办法登记之进口人,输入油脂非属应向上述主管机关申请许可文件者,应向经济部国际贸易局申请输入许可文件。(六)进口本项货品未取得上开主管机关输入许可文件者,不准进口。 (1)Importation of foods and food-relevant products is governed by the regulation of "F01". (2) Importation of medicines for human use is governed by the regulation of "503". (3) Importing industrial oils and fats not for food, fodder and waste use is gove
    825 (一)进口饲料或饲料添加物,应依404规定办理。(二)进口肥料,应依403规定办理。(三)进口非属上述项目者,应注明「本货品非属饲料或饲料添加物及肥料」字样,免依上述规定办理。 (1)Importation of feedstuff or feedstuff additives is governed by the regulation of "404". (2)Importation of fertilizer is governed by the regulation of "403". (3)Importation of commodity not belong the aforesaid items shall be exempted from the aforesaid
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