
  • 货品分类号列 中文货名 英文货名 第一期税率 第二期税率 第三期税率 统计数量单位 统计重量单位 稽征规定 输入规定 输出规定
    98160000104 第0804‧50‧21‧00號所屬之「鮮芒果」 Fresh mangoes, of Item No. 0804.50.21.00 25% 25% KGM B01 F01 MW0 445
    98150000105 第0804‧30‧10‧00號所屬之「鮮鳳梨」 Fresh pineapples, of Item No. 0804.30.10.00 15% 15% KGM B01 F01 MW0
    98140000213 第0803‧90‧10‧00號所屬之「其他鮮香蕉」 Other fresh bananas, of Item No. 0803.90.10.00 12.5% 12.5% KGM B01 F01 MW0 446
    98140000222 第0803‧90‧20‧00號所屬之「幹香蕉」 Other dried bananas, of Item No. 0803.90.20.00 12.5% 12.5% KGM F01
    98140000124 第0803‧10‧20‧00號所屬之「幹芭蕉」 Dried plantains, of Item No. 0803.10.20.00 12.5% 12.5% KGM F01
    98140000115 第0803‧10‧10‧00號所屬之「鮮芭蕉」 Fresh plantains, of Item No. 0803.10.10.00 12.5% 12.5% KGM B01 F01 MW0 446
    98130000009 第0802‧80‧00‧00號所屬之「檳榔,鮮或幹」 Areca(betel) nuts, fresh or dried, of Item No. 0802.80.00.00 17.5% 17.5% KGM B01 MW0
    98120000199 第0801‧19‧00‧90號所屬之「其他椰子」 Other coconuts, of Item No. 0801.19.00.90 NT$0.9/KGM or 15% whichever is higher NT$0.9/KGM or 15% whichever is higher KGM B01 F01 MW0
    98120000206 第0801‧12‧00‧00號所屬之「剝殼椰子」 Coconuts, shelled, of Item No. 0801.12.00.00 NT$0.9/KGM or 15% whichever is higher NT$0.9/KGM or 15% whichever is higher KGM B01 F01 MW0
    98120000108 第0801‧19‧00‧10號所屬之「其他椰子,帶殼者」 Other coconuts, whole, of Item No. 0801.19.00.10 NT$0.9/KGM or 15% whichever is higher NT$0.9/KGM or 15% whichever is higher KGM B01 F01 MW0
    98110000001 第0712‧90‧50‧00號所屬之「幹金針菜」 Day lily, dried, of Item No. 0712.90.50.00 22.5% 22.5% KGM F01 MW0
    98092000902 第0712.90.40.00號所屬之「幹蒜球,整粒、切塊、切片、切碎或粉」 Dried garlic bulb, whole, cut, sliced, broken or in powder, of Item 0712.90.40.00 22.5% 22.5% KGM 114 B01 F01 MW0
  • 商品编码 商品名称 计量单位 出口税率 出口退税率 监管条件 检验检疫

  • 许可证或批文代码 许可证或批文名称 英文说明 链接机构
    805 (一)进口农药,应依405规定办理。(二)进口毒性化学物质,应依553规定办理。(三)进口非属上述项目者,应注明「本货品非属农药,毒性化学物质」字样,免依上述规定办理。 (1) Importation of pesticides is governed by the regulation of "405". (2) Importation of toxic chemicals is governed by the regulation of "553".(3)Importation of commodity not belong the aforesaid items shall be exempted from the aforesaid regulations, bu
    806 (一)进口人用药品,应依503规定办理。(二)进口动物用药品,应依406规定办理。(三)进口饲料或饲料添加物,应依404规定办理。(四)进口食品添加物,应依508规定办理。。(五)进口医疗器材,应依504规定办理。(六)进口非属上述项目者,应注明「本货品非属人用药品,动物用药品,饲料或饲料添加物,食品添加物,医疗器材」字样,免依上述规定办理。 (1) Importation of medicines for human use is governed by the regulation of"503".(2)Importation of veterinary medicines is governed by the regulation of "406".(3) Importation of feedstuff or feedstuff additives is governed by the regulation of "404".(4) I
    807 (一)进口人用药品,应依501规定办理。(二)进口动物用药品,应依406规定办理。(三)进口非属上述项目者,应注明「本货品非属人用药品,动物用药品」字样,免依上述规定办理。 (1) Importation of medicines for human use is governed by the regulation of "501". (2)Importaition of veterinary medicines is governed by the regulation of "406".(3)Importation of commodity not belong the aforesaid items shall be exempted from the aforesa
    801 (一)进口农药,应依405规定办理。(二)进口动物用药品,应依406规定办理。(三)进口环境卫生用药品,应依552规定办理。(四)进口毒性化学物质,应依553规定办理。(五)进口非属上述项目者,应检具经行政院环境保护署毒物及化学物质局核发之证明文件办理通关放行。 (1) Importation of pesticides is governed by the regulation of "405". (2) Importation of veterinary medicines is governed by the regulation of "406". (3) Importation of environment sanitation medicines is governed by the regulation of "552". (4) Importati
    802 (一)进口人用药品,应依503规定办理(二)进口动物用药品,应依406规定办理。(三)进口非属上述项目者,应注明「本货品非属人用药品,动物用药品」字样,免依上述规定办理。 (1) Importation of medicines for human use is governed by the regulation of"503".(2) Importation of veterinary medicines is governed by the regulation of "406".(3)Importation of commodity not belong the aforesaid items shall be exempted from the aforesaid
    804 (一)进口人用药品,应依503规定办理(二)进口人用医疗器材,应依504规定办理。(三)进口动物用药品,应依406规定办理。(四)进口非属上述项目者,应注明「本货品非属人用药品,人用医疗器材,动物用药品」字样,免依上述规定办理。 (1) Importation of medicines for human use is governed by the regulation of"503".(2) Importation of medical devices for human use is governed by the regulation of"504" (3)Importation of veterinary medicines is governed by the regulation of "406".(4)Import
    614 进口航空器用信号弹应备妥下列文件,凭以办理进口:(一)进口军用航空器使用者,应检附国防部同意文件。(二)进口国家航空器使用(缉私,侦查,空照,测量,海防,消防及警察勤务等)者,应检附中央部会二级以上目的事业主管机关同意文件。(三)进口民用航空器使用者,应检附交通部民用航空局同意文件。 For importing very flares for aircrafts, documentations are required as following: (1) Importing for military aircrafts use requires approval from the Ministry of National Defense. (2) Importing for national aircrafts use (e.g. customs, aerial surveillanc
    615 应检附内政部警政署同意文件。 Approval from the National Police Agency, Ministry of the Interior is required.
    641 应检附国防部同意文件。 Approval from the Ministry of National Defense is required.
    608 (一)驾驶盘限为左方者;但总重逾150公吨,宽度逾3.5公尺或高度逾5.6公尺者,不在此限。(二)进口符合上述但书规定者,应于进口报单注明「进口后不得请领牌照及临时通行证,亦不得行驶于道路」字样。 (1) Only for steering wheel on left side. However, the vehicle of the gross vehicle weight more than 150MT, the width more than 3.5m or the height more than 5.6m is excluded.(2) Import in accordance with the provisions of the above-mentioned proviso, a cl
    612 进口航空器(含地面用飞行训练器)用途之灭火器(含有三氟一溴甲烷(海龙1301),二氟一氯一溴甲烷(海龙1211)或四氟二溴乙烷(海龙2402)药剂)者,应依附表经审核主管机关函转交通部民用航空局核发同意文件。(附表内容:(一)军用国家航空器所需海龙灭火器者,审核主管机关为国防部。(二)军用以外国家航空器(缉私,侦察,空照,测量,海防,消防及警察勤务等)所需海龙灭火器者,审核主管机关为各目的事业主管机关。(三)民用航空器所需海龙灭火器者,审核主管机关为交通部民用航空局。) For importing halon fire-extinguishers for aircraft (included ground flying trainers), containing bromotrifluoromethane (halon- 1301), bromochlorodifluoromethane (halon-1211) or dibromotetrafluoroethane (halon-2402), the applicant is first submitted to th
    613 应检附交通部航港局同意文件。 Approval from the Minstry of Transportation and Communications, Maritime and Port Bureau is required.
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