
  • 货品分类号列 中文货名 英文货名 第一期税率 第二期税率 第三期税率 统计数量单位 统计重量单位 稽征规定 输入规定 输出规定
    98100000002 第0712‧39‧20‧00號所屬之「幹香菇」 Shiitake (forest mushroom), dried, of Item No. 0712.39.20.00 NT$110/KGM or 25% whichever is higher NT$110/KGM or 25% whichever is higher KGM F01 MW0
    98092000109 第0703.20.90.00號所屬之「其他大蒜,生鮮或冷藏」 Other garlic, fresh or chilled, of Item 0703.20.90.00 22.5% 22.5% KGM 114 B01 F01 MW0
    98091000003 第0703‧20‧10‧00號所屬之「種植用蒜球」 Garlic bulb for planting, of Item No. 0703.20.10.00 0% 0% KGM N 114 B01 MW0
    98080000818 第2004.90.10.10號所屬之「紅豆餡(包括海紅豆、赤紅豆、紅竹豆),冷凍」 Red bean (including Adzuki bean, all varieties and long bean ) paste, frozen, of Item No. 2004.90.10.10 22.5% 22.5% KGM F01 MW0
    98080000827 第2005.51.10.10號所屬之「紅豆餡(包括海紅豆、赤紅豆、紅竹豆),未冷凍」 Red bean (including Adzuki bean, all varieties and long bean ) paste, not frozen, of Item No. 2005.51.10.10 22.5% 22.5% KGM F01 MW0
    98080000603 第2006.00.11.00號所屬之「第2004.90目之紅豆(包括海紅豆、赤紅豆、紅竹豆),冷凍,糖漬者(瀝幹、套以糖衣、糖霜者均在內)」 Red beans (including Adzuki bean, all varieties and red long bean), of subheading 2004.90, preserved by sugar (drained, glace or crystallised), frozen, of Item 2006.00.11.00 22.5% 22.5% KGM F01 MW0
    98080000701 第2006.00.25.00號所屬之「糖漬紅豆(包括海紅豆、赤紅豆、紅竹豆),未冷凍(瀝幹、套以糖衣、糖霜者均在內)」 Red beans (Phaseplus or Vigna angularis, including Adzuki bean, all varieties and red long bean), preserved by sugar (drained, glace or crystallised), not frozen, of Item 2006.00.25.00 22.5% 22.5% KGM F01 MW0
    98080000514 第2005‧51‧10‧90號所屬之「其他酸漬除外之調製或保藏去殼紅豆(包括海紅豆、赤紅豆、紅竹豆),未冷凍,第2006節之產品除外」 Other red beans (incl. Adzuki bean, all varieties and red long bean), shelled, prepared or preserved otherwise than by vinegar or acetic acid, not frozen, other than products of heading No. 20.06, of Item 2005.51.10.90 22.5% 22.5% KGM F01 MW0
    98080000523 第2005.59.10.00號所屬之「酸漬除外之調製或保藏帶殼紅豆(包括海紅豆、赤紅豆、紅竹豆),未冷凍,第2006節之產品除外」 Red beans (including Adzuki bean, all varieties and red long bean), in shell, prepared or preserved otherwise than by vinegar or acetic acid, not frozen, other than products of heading 20.06, of Item 2005.59.10.00 22.5% 22.5% KGM F01 MW0
    98080000300 第1106.10.10.00號所屬之「紅豆(包括海紅豆、赤小豆、紅竹豆)之粉及細粒」 Red bean (incl. Adzuki bean, all varieties, and red long bean) flour, meal and powder, of Item 1106.10.10.00 22.5% 22.5% KGM F01 MW0
    98080000408 第2004.90.10.90號所屬之「其他酸漬除外之調製或保藏紅豆(包括海紅豆、赤紅豆、紅竹豆),冷凍,第2006節之產品除外」 Other red beans (incl. adzuki bean, all varieties and red long bean), prepared or preserved otherwise than by vinegar or acetic acid, frozen, other than products of heading No. 20.06, of Item 2004.9010.90 22.5% 22.5% KGM F01 MW0
    98080000202 第0713.32.00.00號所屬之「幹紅豆(包括海紅豆、赤小豆、紅竹豆)」 Dried red beans (Phaseolus or Vigna angularis), (incl. Adzuki bean, all varieties, and red long bean), of Item 0713.32.00.00 22.5% 22.5% KGM B01 F01 MW0
  • 商品编码 商品名称 计量单位 出口税率 出口退税率 监管条件 检验检疫

  • 许可证或批文代码 许可证或批文名称 英文说明 链接机构
    601 进口航空器(含地面用飞行训练器)应备妥下列文件,凭以办理进口:(一)进口军用国家航空器者,应检附国防部同意文件。(二)进口中央气象局办理高空观测作业用之气象气球,应检附该局核准购买及同意输入之证明文件。(三)进口上述(一)及(二)以外国家航空器(缉私,侦察,空照,测量,海防,消防及警察勤务等)者,限由中央部会二级以上机关申请,并检附核准购买或同意输入证明文件。(四)进口民用航空器者,应依附表经审核主管机关函转交通部民用航空局核发同意文件。(附表内容:一,进口人为:民用航空运输业,普通航空业,航空站地勤业, For importing aircraft (included ground flying trainers), documentations are required as following: 1. Importing aircraft for military use requires approval from the Ministry of National Defense. 2. Importing meteorological balloons for upper-air observat
    602 (一)进口属电信管制射频器材应经许可之项目,由海关验凭国家通讯传播委员会核发之电信管制射频器材进口许可证后放行。但属军事专用者,由海关验凭国防部核发之电信管制射频器材进口许可证后放行。(二)如非属应经许可之电信管制射频器材,不论民用或军事专用,均可免凭前述许可证放行。(三)经国家通讯传播委员会或其认可委托之验证机构型式认证合格或符合性声明证明之无线电信终端设备或低功率射频电机,免请领进口许可证。但应凭国家通讯传播委员会或其认可委托之验证机构核发之电信终端设备审定证明,电信终端设备符合性声明证明,低功率射频 (1) The import of controlled telecommunications radio frequency devices shall be released by the customs against the import permit issued by the National Communications Commission (NCC), but those imports for military use shall be released by the customs
    606 进口船舶除下列船舶外,均应检附交通部航港局同意文件:一,不适用船舶法规定之船舶(军事建制之舰艇,龙舟,独木舟及非动力帆船,消防及救灾机构岸置之公务小船,推进动力未满十二瓩之非渔业用小船)。二,非大陆地区制造之游艇及动力帆船。 For the importation of vessels or ships, an approval from Maritime and Port Bureau(MPB) is required unless vessels or ships meet any one of following conditions:1.Ships not applied to the Law of Ships:(1) Naval crafts of military organization.(2) Dragon b
    555 输入7.1kw以下含有HCFC-22之空气调节器,应检附行政院环境保护署同意文件。 Importing window-type air conditioners (including split-type) with a cooling capacity below 7.1kw and using HCFC-22 as a refrigerant should provide an approval document issued by the Environment Protection Administration, Executive Yuan.
    560 属行政院环境保护署公告之「属产业用料需求之事业废弃物」者,应于进口报单填列免证通关代码「EPH90000000001」,据以报关进口。非属上述者,应依551规定办理。 For the importation of "Industrial Waste Required as Materials for Industrial Use" announced by the Environmental Protection Administration of the Executive Yaun, special code EPH90000000001 should be specified on the export declaration documents. For imp
    581 应检附行政院原子能委员会同意文件。 Approval from the Atomic Energy Council, Executive Yuan is required.
    552 进口环境用药(包括原体,成品),应检附:(一)1.行政院环境保护署核发之环境用药输入许可证复印件。非环境用药输入许可证持有者,应加附持有者之授权文件,或于环境用药许可证复印件上加盖授权使用之章戳。2.环境用药贩卖业许可执照复印件。但环境用药制造业者进口环境用药原体得检附具该原体成分之环境用药制造许可证复印件;或(二)行政院环境保护署核发之专供试验研究,教育示范,项目防治或申请登记用样品同意文件;或(三)非属公告之环境用药微生物制剂或污染防治用药,应检附行政院环境保护署证明文件。 For importation of environment medicines (including technical grade environment medicines, environment medicines products): (1)(a) A photocopy of an environment medicine import license issued by the Environmental Protection Administration, Executive Yuan,
    553 进口毒性化学物质,应检具经进口地环境保护主管机关备查之运送联单办理通关放行,如非属环保署公告列管之毒性化学物质,应验凭环保署出具之不列管证明文件通关放行。 For importation of toxic chemicals, a completed delivery form which has been approved by the government authority of the importing country in charge of environmental protection is required for customs clearance; but if the imports are not controlled items
    554 (一)应检附直辖市,县(市)主管机关核发之指定电池汞,镉含量确认文件。(二)如属进口供检验之电池,且数量不超过30个者,应检附直辖市,县(市)主管机关核发之同意函。 (1)To import dry cell batteries, the designated battery mercury/cadmium content confirmation document issued by competent authority at the municipal, county (city) government level is required. (2)If the amount of batteries imported for laboratory testing
    530 一,进口人用医疗器材应依下列规定办理:(一)应检附卫生福利部核发之医疗器材许可证复印件或同意文件,并应申报填列医疗器材许可证号码(十四码)。(二)如属危险性医疗仪器,除应检附卫生福利部核发之医疗器材许可证复印件,及申报填列医疗器材许可证号码(十四码)外,并须检附卫生福利部核准医疗机构购置之同意文件。(三)进口专供药物临床试验计划之试验用检体采集耗材套组,于进口报单填列专用代码DHM00000000504。二,非供人用者免依上述规定办理。 1. Importation of medical devices for human use must be handled according to the following regulations: (1) A photocopy of the medical devices pre-marketing license or an approval document issued by the Ministry of Health and Welfare should be submitted.
    531 (一)进口属人用药品,应依503规定办理。(二)进口属食品及相关产品,应依F01规定办理。(三)进口本项货品未取得上开主管机关输入许可文件者,不准进口。 (1)Importation of medicines for human use is governed by the regulation of "503". (2)Importation of foods and food-relevant products is governed by the regulation of "F01". (3) For importing good under this item without import approval document from the c
    550 应检附行政院环境保护署核发之同意文件。 Approval from the Environment Protection Administration , Executive Yuan is required.
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