
  • 货品分类号列 中文货名 英文货名 第一期税率 第二期税率 第三期税率 统计数量单位 统计重量单位 稽征规定 输入规定 输出规定
    98080000104 第0710.29.10.00號所屬之「冷凍紅豆(包括海紅豆、赤小豆、紅竹豆)」 Frozen red beans (incl. Adzuki bean, all varieties, and red long bean), of Item 0710.29.10.00 22.5% 22.5% KGM F01 MW0
    98073000207 第1508.90.00.00號所屬之「精製花生油及其餾分物」 Refined ground-nut (peanut) oil and its fractions, of Item 1508.90.00.00 25% 25% KGM 827 A02 MW0
    98074000009 第2008‧19‧42‧00號所屬之「其他方式調製或保藏之混合堅果或種子,花生含量以重量計超過20%者」 Mixtures of nuts and seeds, of a ground-nut content, by weight, exceeding 20%, otherwise prepared or preserved, of Item No. 2008.19.42.00 25% 25% KGM F01 MW0
    98073000109 第1508.10.00.00號所屬之「粗制花生油」 Crude ground-nut (peanut) oil, of Item 1508.10.00.00 25% 25% KGM 827 A02 MW0
    98072000307 第2008.11.12.00號所屬之「去殼烘焙花生」 Ground-nuts, roasted, shelled, of Item 2008.11.12.00 25% 25% TNE F01 MW0
    98072000904 第2008.11.92.00號所屬之「其他方式調製或保藏之去殼花生,不論是否加糖或含其他甜味料或酒者」 Ground-nuts, shelled, otherwise prepared or preserved, whether or not containing added sugar or other sweetening matter or spirit, of Item 2008.11.92.00 25% 25% TNE F01 MW0
    98072000218 第1208.90.11.00號所屬之「食用花生粉及細粒」 Flours and meals of ground-nuts, edible, of Item 1208.90.11.00 25% 25% TNE F01 MW0
    98072000227 第1208.90.21.00號所屬之「非供食用花生粉及細粒」 Flours and meals of ground-nuts, inedible, of Item 1208.90.21.00 25% 25% TNE MW0
    98072000129 第1202‧42‧00‧00號所屬之「去殼花生,不論是否破碎」 Ground-nuts, shelled, whether or not broken, of Item No. 1202.42.00.00 25% 25% TNE B01 F01 MW0
    98072000110 第1202‧30‧20‧00號所屬之「去殼花生,種子」 Seed of ground-nuts, shelled , of Item No. 1202.30.20.00 25% 25% TNE 402 B01 MW0
    98071000201 第2008.11.11.00號所屬之「帶殼烘焙花生」 Ground-nuts, roasted, in shell, of Item 2008.11.11.00 25% 25% TNE F01 MW0
    98071000906 第2008.11.91.00號所屬之「其他方式調製或保藏之帶殼花生,不論是否加糖或含其他甜味料或酒者」 Ground-nuts, in shell, otherwise prepared or preserved, whether or not containing added sugar or other sweetening matter or spirit, of Item 2008.11.91.00 25% 25% TNE F01 MW0
  • 商品编码 商品名称 计量单位 出口税率 出口退税率 监管条件 检验检疫

  • 许可证或批文代码 许可证或批文名称 英文说明 链接机构
    551 应检附直辖市,县市主管机关核发之同意文件;输出国为日本且该同意文件注明属有害事业废弃物者,应另检附日本海关已用印之『输出移动书类』,凭以报关进口。 Consent letter from a competent authority at the municipal, city or county government level is required. When the waste is stated as hazardous industrial waste in the mentioned consent letter, and is originated from Japan, the Movement Document with the s
    526 (一)进口诊断用之试剂及配置试剂,不论是否有底衬,不包括第3002节或第3006节所列者,应检附卫生福利部核发之同意文件。(二)进口研究用,实验用或非供人用之试剂,于进口报单填列专用代码 DHM99999999999,免依上述规定办理。 (1)Importing reagents and prepared reagents for diagnostic use, whether on a backing or not, and other than those of heading No. 30.02 or 30.06, should provide an approval document issued by the Ministry of Health and Welfare. (2)Importing reagents for re
    528 (一)进口中药材,应依502规定办理(二)进口食品及相关产品,应依F01规定办理(三)进口非属上述项目者,应注明实际用途,免依上述规定办理。 (1) Importation of Chinese medicine materials shall comply with the regulation of "502". (2)Importation of foods and food-relevant products is governed by the regulation of "F01".(3) Importation of commodity not belong to the aforesaid items shall be exem
    529 (一)进口属人用药品,应依503规定办理。(二)进口属食品及其相关产品,应依F01规定办理。(三)进口非属上述项目者,应注明「本货品非属人用药品,食品或食品相关产品」字样,免依上述规定办理。 (1)Importation of medicines for human use is governed by the regulation of "503". (2)Importation of foods and food-relevant products is governed by the regulation of "F01". (3)Importation of commodity not belong the aforesaid items shall be exempted from
    513 (一)进口中药材,应依502规定办理。(二)进口非供中药用者,应注明「非中药用」字样,免依502规定办理。 (1) Importation of Chinese medicine materials shall comply with the regulation of "502". (2) Importation of commodity not to be used as Chinese medicine shall be exempted from complying with the regulation of "502", but a clear indication that the commodi
    514 (一)进口属食品及其相关产品,应依F01规定办理。(二)进口属中药材,应依502规定办理。(三)进口本项货品未取得上开主管机关输入许可文件者,不准进口。 (1) Importation of foods and food-relevant products is governed by the regulation of "F01".(2) Importation of Chinese medicine materials shall comply with the regulation of "502".(3) For importing good under this item without import approval document from
    522 进口管制药品(包括人用,动物用麻醉药品,影响精神药品及其原料)应检附卫生福利部食品药物管理署核发之同意文件(输入凭照或输入同意书);该同意文件第二联于通关时经海关核验签署后,由进口人交还食品药物管理署。 For importation of controlled drugs (including narcotics drugs and psychotropic substances for human use or veterinary medicines as well as active pharmaceutical ingredient), an approval issued by Food and Drug Administration , Ministry of Health and Welf
    508 一,进口食品添加物应依下列规定办理:(一)输入卫生福利部发布「食品添加物使用范围及限量暨规格标准」收载之单方食品添加物(香料除外),应检附卫生福利部核发之食品添加物许可证复印件,并依F01规定办理。(二)如属香料或复方食品添加物,应依F01规定办理。二,进口非食品添加物之食品原料,应依F01规定办理。三,如属食品添加物之样品,赠品,应检附卫生福利部核发之「货品进口同意书申请书(食品,添加物样品)」。四,进口非供食品或食品添加物用途者,于进口报单填列专用代码DH999999999508,免依上述规定办理。 1. For importation of food additives must be handled according to the following regulations: (1) If the petitioned food additive (excluding flavorings) is a single chemical enlist in the current "Standards for Specification, Scope, Application and Limitat
    509 (一)进口属药品,应依503规定办理。(二)进口属食品添加物,应依508规定办理。(三)进口非属上述项目者,应注明「本货品非属药品,食品添加物」字样,免依上述规定办理。 (1) For importation of medicine, it is governed by the regulation of "503".(2) For importation of food additives, it is governed by the regulation of "508".(3)Importation of commodity not belong the aforesaid items shall be exempted from the aforesaid reg
    511 进口锭剂,胶囊状食物制品,应检附卫生福利部许可文件(该许可文件仅限申请之进口业者自行持用,不得授权其他业者使用)。如属样品,赠品,应检附卫生福利部核发之「食品(添加物)样品输入审核通知书」。 For importation of foods in capsule or tablet form, a written approval from the Ministry of Health and Welfare is required. (This APPROVAL should be used exclusively by the owner himself and authorization to use by others is prohibited.) If the imported g
    505 进口中药药品(药品许可证处方内容以中文标示者)应检附(一)药商许可执照复印件及卫生福利部核发之(输入)药品许可证复印件,或(二)卫生福利部中医药司核发之同意文件。 Importation of Chinese medicines (with the content of the formula of the drug written in Chinese on the import license) requires either of the following: (1) a photocopy of the drug (import) license issued by the Ministry of Health and Welfare together wi
    506 进口人用药品(包括制剂,原料药,助诊药类及人用生物制剂): 应检附(一)药商许可执照复印件及卫生福利部核发之(输入)药品许可证复印件,或(二)卫生福利部核发之同意文件。(三)如属专供研究或实验用之抗生素及其衍生物,于进口报单填列专用代码 DHM99999999506,免依上述规定办理。 Importation of drugs (including pharmaceutical products, active pharmaceutical ingredients, diagnostics and biological products) for human use requires either of the following: (1) a photocopy of the drug (import) license issued by the Ministry of Health
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